The wait in LAX seemed to drag on FOREVER after Alex left.
I figured there would be decent amenities in the departure lounge – but I had forgotten that Terminal 2 is sparse at best. Dinner was nice at Wolfgang Puck’s. Can’t really compare.
Fast forward to 10.15 pm and we are all boarding the plane. Now the Air Canada was nowhere as nice as the ANZ flight being that it was on the same continent. I pass by first class. And, as it is my want to do, I’m just scanning around my surroundings and I see a teenager keeping to himself. He’s got a toque on. Not trying particularly, I see his boarding card.
Bieber, Justin.
Yep. One of the biggest pop stars on the planet and future SNL musical guest I found out was in the same airspace as me. And for you people that like him, I’m sorry, no pictures or autographs or stories because frankly a 32 year old male approaching a 16 year old male to get an autograph just really wouldn’t jive. The less said about an encounter with one of the stars from Life With Derek, the better.
The flight itself was uneventful although I will give Air Canada credit in that they always have a nice selection of festival films – I got to see the majority of the Academy Award nominees for best live and animated short. Fun.
Arriving in Toronto on Day 217, I got off the plane just after 6 am, check. Customs, no problem. Change/brush teeth/shave/generally freshen up, done. Champagne still intact! I called my friend Kelly and we went out for breakfast. It was nice to be back on terra firma but a bit disorienting! Especially because it was hit the ground running. Kelly dropped me off around 9.15 am in King City and about 15 minutes later my ride arrived to go to the pool!
It was all a surprise because my friend Bill didn’t tell anyone I was showing up. I got buddied up with someone who was new to the club who said afterwards “Oh yeah, you’re the guy that everyone blamed because you were on vacation”! HA HA HA very funny.
We went out for lunch afterwards and I shall not name the establishment as someone at my table had a birthday ice cream which we’re not sure was really their actual birthday… The rest of day was super lowkey… just watching some telly because I didn’t have much energy.
Was very pleased when on Day 218 I awoke at around 8.15am! No jet lag? How bizarre… That evening was really nice as my roomies invited me for Easter Dinner. With both ham and turkey on the plate it was very filling but enjoyable nevertheless! I very much appreciated it.
Day 219 and the jet lag hit. Majorly. I awoke at 3 am but couldn’t make it back to bed. However later in the day there were things to be done, so I made my way up to Barrie to help and open my friend’s pool.
It’s not necessarily hard work, but it just seems like it doesn’t end!! We did good work of it and finished mid-afternoon. I even jumped into what little water was in the pool, dunked my head in and rushed for the towels as I was only in my swim trunks! Sorry, that’s “SWIMMING COSTUME” for my friend at Yongala Dive.
It was then on to Easter Dinner part two! I feel very lucky to have had dinner at friends’ houses two nights in a row! It was extremely tasty and very sociable. The ride home I had to open up a couple of belt notches!
On Day 220 it was back to a non holiday day so I had a run around kind of day in that I visited friends, got my hair cut, got some groceries and dropped my computer off to get a bit of a fix. That was the highlights for that day!
Day 221 was a Wednesday so it was up to Barrie to do some dive running around. Got some paperwork done and then headed over to evening class. It was a combined night and with tables being taught it was quite comprehensive but rewarding nevertheless. Capped off with a nice gathering out for wings and I was quite happy to be staying over to…
Day 222 which started with Cranberry pancakes and then a visit to the Go bus route back to Newmarket featuring probably the most informative GO bus driver that I’ve had in quite awhile (or perhaps ever) who taught me a couple perfectly legal tricks of the trade in regards to more effectively riding the rails!
Later on that day I headed down to Scarborough (which, by public transit, is not the easiest!) to see a live production of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-a-Long Blog.
I’m getting dizzy just typing this up and I already experienced it! This time it was to see My Mother’s Lesbian Jewish Wiccan Wedding. Which you might think is a bit bizarre, as a title obviously, but it was great seeing with a good friend and we both really enjoyed it!
It was then over to my friend Emily's house for a "catch-up party" as she was home from England for a bit (and I believe still is because of the volcanic ash situation).
We had tons of fun... Cranium is a hoot!
Day 225 and it was chill time but it was quite nice as my friend Caleb was home from Cleveland so I enjoyed seeing him for a bit. Running around was the rest of the order of the day – along with catching up on Amazing Race... it's definitely heating up!
I think that’s enough catching up for a bit… catch you later!
I think that’s enough catching up for a bit… catch you later!