Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Days Twenty-Eight and Twenty-Nine
As you might imagine the contest was a pretty cool way to start Day Twenty-Eight. It ended cool as well. Although not in the best way.
After playing ultimate all summer I decided that it would be fun to rejoin for the fall. I had been busy helping with dive classes the last couple of Mondays, so it was my first go last night. And the rain was just POURING down. We were all soaked. I called it a night after about an hour as I tumbled slightly on my ankle and there was some pain (not too much, but enough to stop playing). That being said, it was an awesome night! All I could do was laugh the whole time and then be amazed when the high school team just started running circles around anyone over 25 years old.
So today, on day Twenty-Nine, I'm sitting down, playing Countdown as part of my daily practice. I'm in the middle of a late draw and I get a call saying "Hey, do you want to go for a splash?" (read: dive?) and I figure, sure, why not, I like the idea of getting in the water. So I finish that draw of letters - STASODRIE - and score a nine letter word! - before heading off. It was nice to be in the water, but BRRRRR it was cold. 55F below the surface! Fun times, though, as always.
I met up later in the day with a good friend of mine, and taught him how to juggle. He had wanted to learn for awhile but had never really got around to it. After wings he headed off... and I settled into more Countdown... where I won 85-84 against a solid champ! Sweet, this instills confidence.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Days Twenty-Four, Twenty-Five, Twenty-Six and Twenty-Seven
I had a great experience cohosting with Jamie and Tara. They were super nice, so friendly!!! I got to talk during three different segments. The first one was a "getting to know you", the second one we focused on "Wheel" and the last one I did my Mr. Bean and Kermit the Frog impressions. I have heard people have enjoyed it and I hope they did!
So if you haven't had a chance to vote... please do! Go to b101fm.com and look for the "So you think you can cohost?" link, then click on my name to vote for me! Voting finishes at 5 am Monday morning.
I was supposed to go for a dive but we scrubbed because the weather was crummy. Which was fine anyway... so it was more running around getting things done and ready to go to the Niagara Falls area for the weekend.
I got to NF/Fort Erie around 7 pm, had some dinner with my friend and then sat in the hot tub. My goodness me, it was so nice.
Day Twenty-Six was crazy! I was, along with my dive club, diving the wickedly cool currents (7 knots!!!) in Fort Erie, above the falls (but very much above the falls). I got to do four dives. The first one we had to kick like the dickens to get out in the middle of the river, and between two railway "walls". Seriously, they were hard to get to... but I am happy to report my buddy and I got pas the third one, which is very rarely done! I wanted to cut my feet off though! All in all, a great day. I also passed the equivalent of one week underwater. Which is crazy, if you think about it.
Day Twenty-Seven was a zen day. Slept in. Lazy morning. Good breakfast. And then some touristy things (but not too much!). I went to the bird aviary in Niagara Falls... and there were alot of birds there! Took some fun pictures... then visits to the Hershey store, various sightseeing outlooks - including one where I met English tourists, told them I'd be on Countdown and they took my picture! - and a stop at a peanut factory.
Got home around 7 pm, watched the season premiere of Amazing Race (series 15 already! wow) and then caught up my blogging!
Vick :)
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Days Twenty-Two and Twenty-Three
So that sums up Day Twenty-Two. It was just a nice, peaceful day. I did jump in the neighbours' pool... did some laps, and then got the heck out, it was pretty cold. It is last September however, so that's not unexpected.
Day Twenty-Three I wake up, watch my usual episode of the 2am pre-taped broadcast of Millionaire from the night before. And then by 9 am the internet is GONE. The continuing construction on the street has caused the internet to go away again... but it was back by noon. It always happens when you don't want it to, right?
I did my normal drive north for my Wednesday dive night event, expecting it to rain. So I didn't bring my gear. Got up around 2.30 pm, helped my friend organize his garage, and then found out that we were going to dive... thank goodness I know people with extra gear! It turned into a nighttime dive... we start early evening but it gets dark quickly. But it was very relaxing, and it was dive#40 for the year (for those of you who are new followers, that's very low for me).
So tomorrow (Friday) is the big day! A reminder again that I'll be live on B101 FM from 8-9 am eastern. Listen live at www.b101fm.com (the listen live button is on the masthead of the front page). Plus if you could vote for me after 12 Noon Friday I'd love you forever!*
*or as long is actually contractually obligated.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Days Twenty and Twenty-One
I am happy to announce that the family washer is now back in business! This is appreciated by all, especially those who will be in my general vincinity over the next little while.
Day Twenty had some interesting things going on. I was present at a dive class in the evening - we are going drift diving later this week and it requires quite a bit of theory. It went well and those in presence enjoyed my homemade (re: prepackaged mix) oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. Pretty simple but I think people enjoy the effort.
I actually spent the night in the area, at my friend's cottage. It was nice and relaxing - very much close to the city but out in the country.
Day Twenty-One brought a closure to a phone call I received on Day Twenty. I had entered a contest... and I can now confirm that I am a finalist! A local radio station is running a contest called So you think you can cohost? and I will be co-hosting on this Friday, September 25th from 8 am to 9 am Eastern. I would really appreciate you listening and encouranging me!
You can go directly to www.b101fm.com and click on the button at the top that says "Listen Live".
There is a second part... I would really appreciate your votes for the grand prize! Voting runs from 12 Noon on Friday (so a few hours after I'm off the air) and ends at 5 am on Monday. I will post the link on Friday. All you will have to do is email my name, your name and the date. One email per person please... otherwise your vote won't count!
I also received my packet for Countdown yesterday. I am super psyched about my appearance and have been practicing feverishly since hearing I had made the cut.
Last night I got to be a "rescue victim" during a dive. It is very weird... I was with a buddy but we basically have to wait to be found. It's very bizarre but somewhat calming. The "rescuers" did find me and did a good job all around.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Day Nineteen
I got up early enough to catch a GO transit bus to go to GO! live from CBC HQ in Toronto, live on CBC Radio One. The theme was "The Greatest Grandparent", and they had three awesome grandparents to say the least - a world class triathelete, a gentleman who biked across Canada and a grandmom who came from The Philippines and became a kindergarten teacher in 1975... who was genuinely surprised that some of her former students were in the audience!! If you heard the show, you knew I was there... my laugh is very distinctive I'm told.
Yesterday was visit #7 to see GO! live... dating back to April 2008 when I bought Nora Young's sombrero and Bob MacDonald's space junk (both of which now reside in my drama class) Brent and the entire crew put on a great show, week in, week out. If you can, get tickets at cbc.ca/go if you're in or visiting the GTA. If not, the show airs at 10.30am Saturday local time (11.00 am NL time I believe).
I told Brent about my upcoming adventures this year and was happy to pose for a picture for the blog.
On the way back to the bus station, SB and I posed for a picture at the Royal Canadian Air Farce's donut shop, which is now in the CBC Atrium.
To finish the night I watched Wipeout Quebec with my landlords. It's good, but something is off about the timing of the show. It's paced differently - they play the qualifier on Monday, the sweeper and the dizzy dummy on the Tuesday episode, and finally five players in the Wipeout Zone on the Wednesday episode. I do however enjoy the fact that there's been a huge resurgence in games on Quebec this year - Taxi Payant is Cash Cab on Thursdays, Le Mur is Hole in the Wall on Thursday-Friday, Distraction airs on Wednesday and is an hour long with six players, La Guerre des Clans sees feuding families M-F. Thank you V!
Friday, September 18, 2009
Day Eighteen

Off to see CBC Radio One's GO! tomorrow.
Day Seventeen
Back in May, I put in a request for tickets for Wer Wird Millionar, the German version of Who Wants to Be A Millionaire. I really wasn't expecting anything much, because the website said it was a 20-22 month wait for tickets. I figured if I explained that I was only in the country for a limited time I might have a chance at it.
I was on the bus home from the Kids in the Hall shoot when I picked up the phone and it was the ticket line from Germany! They were calling to just confirm that indeed I wanted tickets, which I did. They said they'd call back next month.
I thought, however, I should be proactive and give them a call. My landlord, who is German, did the talking. Well... it went super! It turns out they remembered me and had a little note on me in my file. Although it's not confirmed, there is a very strong possiblity that I'll get to see a taping when I'm over in November. I am waiting for an email that will arrive by the end of the month. I was literally bouncing off the wall.
Something else exciting happened on this day as well. I took my landlord in the pool for a discover scuba session. I had been wanting to do this for quite awhile... but I just never got my behind in gear until recently. Well I'm happy to report that it went swimmingly! Here is a nice picture of teacher and student.
I am anxious to see if the disposable underwater camera turned out some good pictures as well!
After popping into work for a bit to help with an event I was planning, I headed over with my coworker, my neigbours, and my landlords to the Mandarin restaurant in town. Mandarin is a buffet restaurant. Usually it costs a pretty penny, but I had won 6 free meals in a contest back in July. And we took them to town! I tried a few foods I had never experienced... such as mussels, duck and lychee fruit. In order: chewy, tasty, chewy. Although I felt that I should have rolled myself home.
I watched the 2nd episode of Glee last night. I am enjoying it. Just out of curiosity... has anyone else seen it?
A few pictures from back on Day Fifteen...
Juliette and I have know each other since our UCV days.
And this is the small sized poutine that her friend Josee ordered! I took a pass because I thought if that sat in my stomach for a six hour bus ride, I wouldn't have done well!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Day Sixteen.
Had a great dive last night. Went to a site that I haven't been to inawhile, and discovered some new "artifacts". It was chilly when I got out though!
Oh yes. The construction. At 9 am on day sixteen, they started tearing up my street. And with that came the internet going ka-put. Doesn't that always happen when you don't want it to? Plus, when I left at 2 pm there was a massive backhoe sitting at the bottom of my drive. Anyone want to guess what I had to do?
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Days Fourteen and Fifteen
I had to do a lot of running around for an event that I’m planning at work. Yes, you see, I apparently can’t keep away. I will explain further after it’s done on day 18 (Friday) but I’m not sure who is reading this so I think at this point it’s best to keep to myself.
I did get in for a quick swim last night, although I’m still hurting from Frisbee on the weekend. So what do you think I did, folks? Of course. I joined a fall league. It runs just until I head off to Europe (day fifty-one).
This morning I got up super early to make my way to Toronto to catch my train booking. One of the nice things is that in the GTA there is really good public transit. So I caught a commuter train into the main train station and laughed hysterically while talking with a fun group the whole hour ride. I can’t understand why people don’t like this group, they were so much fun…. SHAZAM! So to Jo and everyone – thanks for giving me such a fun morning! And I’ll try to get to the play on the 14th at the theatre. Oh, ladies, say hi to your friend Richard for me (don’t pretend that you don’t know what that means!).
Right now I’m on the train on the way to Montreal. My seatmate is travelling as well – he lives just outside of Brussels. Which is where I’ll be soon!
I’m really a big fan of the Canadian train system. A lot of people slag on it. Yes, the trains aren’t as frequent as you’d like them to be. Yes, they’re a bit more expensive then you’d like to pay. However, if I have to go somewhere, that’s what I take. And it is so peaceful. I wish that they hadn’t cancelled the overnight train; as a result I’m on a midnight bus home tonight. Cheap accommodations and transportation all rolled into one. I mean, really, you can’t do any better, right?
The train was about an hour late getting into Montreal so that didn’t leave me much time to poke around… had intended to go to one specific bookshop but the metro line was “en panne” (literally “broken”) so it was off to Archambault to pick up the controversial film Polytechnique. This is the film that is based upon the 1989 college shootings in Montreal. I’ve heard good things about it.
Le Moment de Vérité was good fun. It turns out they tape four teams of challengers and then slot them in during the season. For those of you who don’t know, Le Moment de Vérité gives teams of three or four players a challenge – either skill, mental or physical – and a week to practice. If they can pull it off in the studio, they’ll win prizes chosen especially for them!
Here’s what we saw… but I’m not telling you the results!
1. Recall 24 of 600 answers to questions relating to Quebec in three minutes: playing for a trip to the 2010 World Cup of Football, plus season tickets to the Montreal Impact.
2. Recall 60 of a possible 120 species and origins of rabbits in three minutes: playing for personal wardrobes among others.
3. By touch and taste, distinguish between 5 different types of apples in two minutes: playing for a trip to Brazil, among other prizes.
4. Successfully spin plates and pass only using sticks from player one to player two to player three, player three must then place the spinning plate, have five plates still spinning within two minutes; playing for a trip to Jamaica among others.
One of the things that is pretty hard is that you have to be ABSOLUTELY SILENT during the playing of the challenges. These people spend a hard week of their lives practicing this and you really want them to win. The show airs Wednesdays at 8pm on Radio-Canada, I recommend you keep an eye for me! Side note: when passing through the halls, all of the set background pieces for Pyramide were strewn about.
For those of you keeping track, this is game show taping #3 on the grand trek, there are at least three more to attend when I’m in Europe. I don’t think Paquet Voleur has a studio audience anymore (based on last Friday’s shows), so I’m pretty much done with the Montreal taping scene right now (as Distraction and Le Mur are the only other shows that have an audience, and they already taped back in August).
Following the taping, I went out with Juliette and Josée to La Banquise for poutine. I’ve got to show you one of the poutines that got ordered… it’s very filling at 10.30 pm! Thanks ladies for a great evening.
The bus home was pretty uneventful, because really at 12.15 am in the morning nothing is really that eventful . It was one of those new “megabuses” that is a double decker and promises $1 fares from Montreal to Toronto. I didn’t get a ticket quick enough to qualify; I ended up paying 6,000% more. Still not a bad deal though.
When we pulled into Toronto, I was feeling very sluggish. And then I look on the floor and see two $50 bills. I know that it’s not right to keep it; but at the same time, you want to make sure you find the proper owner. I ask the woman across the aisle from me, it’s not hers. I then start walking ahead and find someone near the front in a panic. I ask her what’s wrong; she says she can’t find the $100 she had. I produce the bills and she is relieved and gives me a big hug. She can’t believe that I gave it to her and says that very rarely would that happen. I tell her it’s the right thing to do.
I have such a warm feeling inside right now.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Day Thirteen.
And then the counting... it took a while too.
But in the end... $137.01!!! That's a pretty penny (actually, there were 261 pretty pennies in the pig - fact!). And that will knock out a good part of my BritRail pass that I need to buy. As soon as I roll it all.
And as I continue towards my European Vacation, I have put in for another game show. No, not Pig in a Poke, but rather the UK version of Deal or No Deal. It tapes in Bristol, and I'll be near there when I'm over visting. Fingers crossed.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Day Twelve
I joined the ultimate frisbee league in the town where I live this year. Now I've played before (five years ago), but I realize I'm not the spring chicken I once used to be.
Oh boy, do I ache tonight, after four games. We went 2-2, but my back and feet are something like 0-12. Still though, as a result of all of this, I don't have to play again until 2 pm tomorrow. Excellent.
PS - Here's me with Puggsley, the unofficial mascot of our team.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Day Eleven.
I got home around supper, hung up my dive gear, made pasta with meatballs for dinner (I've been reading Desktop_Gourmet's blog; so should you) and just chilled. Tomorrow is the ultimate frisbee tourney. I'm an Angry Gorilla, and my number is Threeve (look it up). Should be fun, I hope! And somewhere in there I'm hosting a BBQ.
I wanted to throw up a bit of a flashback picture. Part of my goal this year is to attend several game show tapings... officially number one was earlier in the summer when I saw Le Banquier, the French-Canadian version of Deal or No Deal. It was a great taping, they let me take pictures, which was super cool.
I don't know when it airs but for those of you wondering... it took almost three hours to tape one primetime episode! Part of that was due to the fact that the electronics broke down several times, the host flubbed her lines (which was actually quite hysterical) and that it takes two minutes to open each case (camera angles and all that). Plus you don't hear the SFX - they add 'em in post - and thus each case is opened to a glorius "CLUNK". Ah, the magic of television. SPOILER! Oh.
I don't know when the show airs... I should really email TVA and ask.
One other thing I wanted to bring up. I'd like you to meet my travel pig.
The travel pig was given to me by my landlords on my 30th birthday. It's now 18 months past (next year I celebrate my mathematically pleasing 2^5th, but I digress) and it's time to open it up. I've been dropping coins periodically, but at the rate of at least several each week. Anyone want to guess how much is in it? You'll win my respect with your telepathy and perhaps a prize if I can get around and figure out something memorable (no, NOT the contents of the travel pig).
Oh! Almost forgot. As of today, my flight to Europe is officially booked. Watch out, other side of the Atlantic, here I come! Did you miss me?
For you detailed oriented people... Toronto-Amsterdam-London on October 21st, Madrid-Amsterdam-Toronto on Dec 8th or 9th. Flying KLM, which I hear is good. Speaking of flights, I was very impressed with Air Canada this week... loved the seat back tvs with your choice of many selections, including short Canadian films which were excellent. You'll have to see The Weight of the World - fantastic.
Aim to accomplish something memorable today, something that brings you to the attention of the right kind of people. You are hard-working and responsible but you are also creative - a combination that will get you noticed, and maybe promoted.
This was my horoscope the day I saw Letterman - watch it pay off tonight at 11.34 pm on CBS, OMNI1, NTV, and others.
Off to Montreal on Tuesday again!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Days Seven, Eight, Nine and Ten
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Day Six.
I got into NYC by bus ($4.40US - cheap) this morning at 10.30 am and headed over to TKTS, to get cheap broadway tickets. However, the line was horrendous, and I went over to the show that I really wanted to see: Billy Elliot. That's Tony Award Winner for Best Musical Billy Elliot.
I knew it wouldn't come cheap, but knowing that this was a holiday weekend and several shows would be dark on Monday, plus plans already for Wednesday, I'd figure I better line up. I got in line at 11am for a 12 noon box office opening.
And wouldn't you know, it paid off. I got a single ticket - one of five tickets that was available. Myself and the two other buyers were tickled pink.
I figured I should go explore... and walk down broadway! It is very much overstimulation, but actually it was really neat. Just walking and taking it all in was great.
At 52nd street I found the Letterman studios! I've entered the lottery for tickets for Tuesday's two tapings... fingers crossed. It would be really neat. I continued walking, up to Central Park. Grabbed some street meat (that's for you, C) and then walked up to 67th to find the entrance for Wednesday's taping of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (I do, but they don't let Canucks on. Boo.).
Following a stop at Timmie's in Times Square ($2US for a Large Coffee!!! Outrageous), it was back to Billy Elliot. It was PHENOMENAL. Totally worth the price I paid. Oh, did I mention where my ticket was? No?
It was me, the orchestra conductor, and then the stage. I was peeing myself with luck. And to boot, after the show, the cast comes out to sign autographs, and I got some pictures with the cast!
Tomorrow: Touring around the city more, including a ride on a boat if all goes well!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Day Four and Five
Yesterday was eventful... I'd even say adventurous. Too adventurous in fact!
And after a long day of travel - two buses and two flights, I'm currently in Hackensack, New Jersey! Looking forward to some awesome sightseeing in NYC and area!!!
Edit: Just saw someone bowl a perfect 300 game! How cool is that???
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Day Three.
Better noises are coming from my cd player: My copy of Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog (soundtrack) arrived today. Best 25 minute cd I've listen to in awhile.
I was back at work today... just briefly. Picked up my coworker, went out for ice cream. Shot the breeze, that kind of stuff.
Otherwise I was busy hammering away at my university apps for Australia, and finalizing my European flight for October. PLUS! My friend called from Montreal and she's free to see Le Moment de Verite when I'm in Montreal in a couple of weeks.
Which all happens after my trip to NYC on Saturday! Anyone have strong preferences for musicals and plays I should see? Or just sightseeing specifically?
And in other news, BBC Four's Only Connect is the best quiz show you probably haven't seen yet. I'm a week behind, but anxiously awaiting to see the grand finals.
PS - Enjoy the first of many pictures... this is my "group" from Death Comes to Town.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Day Two.
Turns out it's Endemol Germany calling. They want to try and get me tickets to see Wer Wild Millionar - the German version of Millionaire! Usually there is a two year - yes, I said two year wait for these tickets, but I just might get to see Herr Jauch in person...
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Day One.
I should introduce myself. My name, or handle as you kids like to call it, is Vick. Or, as one of my former students named me, “The Vick”. Awhile back, I planned to take this year off from work so that I could volunteer at the Vancouver 2010 Olympics. I’ve watched the Olympics since I was a little guy. I remember the excitement of seeing the flame en route to Calgary pass by when I was 10. My parents yanked me out of school just to see it. I crammed 17 people in my small residence room in 2002 to watch the Canadians beat the Americans 5-2 in men’s ice hockey. I knew all of the CBC announcers on the 2008 Beijing broadcasting team. So I was ready to go and do whatever VANOC wanted me to.
There was just one problem. I didn’t get chosen.
I was gutted. Seriously gutted. But, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I developed other plans. As of right now, I’m going to NYC on Saturday for the first time ever. I’m off to Europe for two months at the end of October, with stops in 7 or 8 countries (including a return to Strasbourg, France, where I lived for a few months). Then visits to New Zealand and Australia await at the turn of the decade.
The summer, especially when I clued in that I wouldn’t have to do anything planning wise for the fall, has been great. I worked at my friend’s tourism business in Moncton. I dove in Kingston, Tobermory, and all around Georgian Bay (I’m a big scuba diver, but you’ll come to know that if you don’t already). I played ultimate Frisbee for the first time in five years and have been loving it. I became the second fastest speed stacker in Canada in my age group.
Which bring us, dear readers, to today. The first day of my year off, officially, because this is the first day that I would have been required to be in at work. It’s pretty liberating; I feel very relaxed. I clued in sometime in July that this would happen.
And where am I? Working. Well, not really. It’s more work on the side, too much fun.
About a week ago I got a call from a friend of a friend to come and be a part of an interesting opportunity, and because I want to have new experiences, I said yes. Currently I’m sitting in the basement of a church which is serving as the holding area for people like me – movie extras – for the TV mini-series Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town which is shooting just down the road from my parents’ house. This is day five of five that they’ve required me to come in for.
It’s a pretty fun experience actually. I’ve been on tv before and near sets, but never this involved. A lot of the time we just sit around and play euchre – and they pay us for it – so really, no complaints! Plus I have a meaty enough of an “extra” role that you should be able to see me quite well on camera when the series airs, starting in January 2010 (projected). Plus the people that are acting with me are fun. And! There’s an outside possibility of getting some more extra work on another classic Canadian series.
So that’s about it. Introduction, done. Day one, done. And there’s a transgenered actor (actress?) that wants to talk to me, so I’d better go.