Thursday, September 17, 2009

Day Sixteen.

Getting home on an overnight bus really screws up your sleep patterns. Basically I spent the morning catching up on some quality television (Millionaire and 25 year old reruns of The $25,000 Pyramid) before heading out to meet up with a coworker. Turns out she saw Billy Elliot as well... but paid much less than me. Here's your lesson, folks: plan ahead. Don't run into Triple A (ok, CAA) two days before you leave for a new city.

Had a great dive last night. Went to a site that I haven't been to inawhile, and discovered some new "artifacts". It was chilly when I got out though!

Oh yes. The construction. At 9 am on day sixteen, they started tearing up my street. And with that came the internet going ka-put. Doesn't that always happen when you don't want it to? Plus, when I left at 2 pm there was a massive backhoe sitting at the bottom of my drive. Anyone want to guess what I had to do?


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