Arriving shortly before 9 am I checked in. The ride out wasn’t that bad (still getting used to the twists and turns) and after a stop at New World Supermarket in Super Nintendo Chalmers – sorry, that’s Port Chalmers
– we arrived at the Mole in Aramoana.
The Mole? Sadly, there was no sign of Grant Bowler, Anderson Cooper or Glenn Hughill (although I was in the same building as the latter in October). It turns out that “the Mole” is the local lingo for the pier.
I was assigned to be buddied up with Scotty. Turns out he and the other four guys in my van were working on their instructor cards. Dive Otago, I’m told by my hosts, is an accredited institution that can issue a certificate in this domain which is then useable in other locations.
In any case! This showed promise.
Now I wish to say that this has probably got to be one of the more treacherous entries I have done in my time diving and I wish not to speak of it again!
Scotty and I dove the Paloona first, away from the others. He was excited as there’s a certain other wreck that he has done countless times… so I think he lucked out in getting me to kick around then!
The dive itself was superb. This was the first time I had dove in kelp – it was definitely a different challenge. You really can get caught up in everything if you lose your wits… and the kelp has a way of getting tangled up in your gear. Plus you don’t realize it’s happening until you are farther away!
We saw a lot of different creatures that I usually don’t get to see. Coral. Starfish. Lots of fish. And an awesome, awesome swim through that was the base of the Paloona! The only thing that was frustrating was that there is SO MUCH to see that you have to make sure that you’re not hitting anything with your person. Which is much more difficult than you think. I managed though.
Sea tulips.
Wall of fish.
More coral.
Can't remember... can anyone help?
I'm not sure what this creature is, but I do recall that if you pressed near it, it would retreat!
We got almost 40 minutes on the dive, but at a temp of about 58F I was ready to get out and get some lunch. It was quite entertaining during the surface interval; I told the guys about the fun we have at our dive club back home and they were quite impressed. And how if there’s one thing that I should have learned by now it’s…
Apparently this video has become quite the viral sensation here in New Zealand. I have to get the tshirt before I leave.The second dive was on the Momokia – let’s call it the Mo – because it functions similarly to its namesake back home, as apparently everyone dives on it repeatedly.
But from what I can gather Dive Otago is the only operator around, so I don’t think it would be as bad.
This one had much more of a swell as compared to the previous so once again, an entertaining and challenging dive. We did a couple of spins around the wreck itself, but around 35 minutes I was getting cold so we headed up.
I’m not sure why but on the way back it was a worse drive for me, probably because I couldn’t see the edge of the road very much! Even going through Super Nintendo Chalmers. We stopped at the Wild Bean Café on the way back at the BP station where I bought Scotty a coffee… the least I could do. He was very surprised… but then again, so was I… surprised that for once, while away on vacation, someone actually acted like my buddy. What a concept!
Once back at the shop I told the front desk staff how much I had enjoyed my time and they were so enamored they asked if I would write something down that they could quote me on! Being the teacher and long-winded human that I am, I wrote a whole page, as I was supremely expressed.
Could this day get any better? Bozena (Chris’ mom) came and picked me up and we headed over to get premium ice cream. I had a small dish… which didn’t even last back to the car! Raspberry and white chocolate… what a tasty treat.
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