In any case, here we go.
Day 226 and it was back at the start of the work week so I dipped in to see some friends and get some chores finished up because for Day 227 (no, not the tv series) I was heading to La Belle Province and beautiful Montreal!
My day started, as it has many a trip downtown early, riding the GO train. My usual gang of friends was there and it was great to catch up with them in regards to my trip in the South Pacific. A short walk after the train disembarked and I was ready to ride the MEGA! BUS! MEGABUS! to Montreal. Frankly I'd rather take the train but for $22 CDN all in you really can't go wrong.
I was able to get a seat on the top near the front so I could watch the world go by. I ended up chatting to a student that goes to Queen's Uni in Kingston and he was looking at going to New Zealand so we had some good discussions. Following his departure and a nap I arrived on the bus near the Berri-UQAM metro station in Montreal. I dropped over to my hostel to discover this sign outside:
They were taping a movie adaptation of the popular Quebec TV series Lance et Compte! I swear I don't try to figure these things out.
Following a short walk by the Bell Centre where the Habs play, that evening I was scheduled to visit with my friend Juliette (she of the massive poutine portion from much earlier in this blog) for dinner. Unfortunately we both got our dates and times mixed up; however, more fortunately, she invited me out to her place in Laval (end of the metro line) for dessert which I more than happily accepted! It was great to see her, her husband Sebastien and their new bundle of joy! Absolutely adorable. I am scheduled to be back in Montreal in August and promised to visit at that time.
The hostel itself was quite nice – I ended up in a four share room (two sets of bunks) with an ensuite bathroom. For $33 it was safe and affordable.
I was up at a decent time in the morning on day 228 to go out for a great walk. I dropped my extra luggage off at the train station before heading off.
I always have loved the VIA station in Montreal as it is quite the hub of excitement, and you really can’t go wrong with the display board. I am awaiting one day for Richard Dawson to stumble in and reveal that I’ve got the number one answer in Fast Money.
One of the things I love about Montreal is being able to just walk down by the water. It is extremely well setup and I didn’t need to take the metro. It was great to just sit down and watch the world go by. And every time I wonder if I should be doing more (ie. visiting something touristy) I remember that I’m on holidays and I can do what I please!
Lunch was at 3 Brasseurs of course. Although there is one now in downtown Toronto (with the horribly named “3 Brewers” moniker) I seem to eat it more frequently in Montreal. You really can’t beat tarte flambee.
Following a stop at Archambault to pick up the newly released Millenium 2 film (soon to be The Girl Who Played With Fire in English North America) I walked out and had a perfectly normal conversation with a Red Cross Worker. It was at this time that I was extremely thankful that my parents put me in a French immersion program in grade 7. I feel so lucky to be able to go to a non-English speaking part of the world and communicate with them in their native tongue.
Finally 1 pm arrived and I rolled into 1600 Maisonneuve Est, home of TVA and game show taping number 11 – La Poule aux Oeufs D’Or. I had enquired earlier in the year if I might attend a taping and had gotten a response to the extent of “well we usually don’t have audience members that aren’t part of the winner’s cheering section, but if you’re going to be here in Montreal on a Wednesday at 1 pm by all means we would love to have you”.
Around 2.30 pm I along with six contestants and their families were lead onto the set. One of the smaller sets I had seen in my time but that didn’t matter – I have been watching Poule for years and was thrilled to be there. Here’s how the show breaks down: Two contestants each spin three wheels to determine three numbers each. They then are presented with a wall of 10 “doors” numbered 0-9. Open the doors, find money or an egg. First to find three eggs wins and advances with their money. The runner-up gets to keep their money (with a guarantee of $5,000 although you’re really unlucky not to win at least 10K).
Our winner then plays “egg or envelope”. You either take the cash revealed to you courtesy of an envelope that was spinning on a giant egg (I kid you not) or the unrevealed money inside of your personal egg (a la Deal or No Deal).
All the while audience members are holding up signs with dollar symbols and eggs on them and yelling ARGENT!!! OEUF!!! GIVE ME SOME!!! And some such.
As crazy as that sounds, it was extremely exciting. The lady sitting next to me was the biggest winner of the night - $87,000! That’s tax free, my friends, and they cut the cheques right then and there. No 120 days after your show airs. Evidence:
I forgot to get a picture with the host but I was a bit bummed as the normal host was on vacation that week – and he used to host the Quebecoise Fort Boyard! Talk about your rotten luck!
After it all wrapped up I had another surprise waiting for me. I was told that I was scheduled to be the special guest of the Loto Quebec head of drawings (“tirages”, the French word, sounds so much better). I was wondering if that was code for something but no, it was not! I ended up getting a behind the scenes tour of TVA courtesy of Jean, my host. Now that was sweet.
I got back to the train station around 4.20 pm but wasn’t able to get the 5 pm express train due to my luggage being already hidden away. I waited until the 6 pm train, which then put me back in Newmarket at 1.30 am with a taxi driver that didn’t know the way home from a hole in the ground.
Sufficient to say, as a result, day 229 was just a relaxing day. Nothing to write home about.
But day 230 and the parents were coming to visit! Hurrah! They arrived around supper time and we decided to just take it easy with a nice relaxing meal and the Sens hockey game (at this time they have been eliminated even after I sat through the triple overtime marathon).
Day 231 and with the parents comes a vehicle. Which comes in handy. So we started out with breakfast at Daybreak which was nice and surprisingly not too greasy. We dropped Dad back at the house to chill and then Mom and I headed up to Costco.
Mom doesn’t have a Costco where she lives. It shows! She enjoyed it a wee bit more than I think one should, but then again, I enjoyed shadow sweeping the items down the self-serve conveyor belt.
Following stops to the Superstore, Staples and Future Shop (the last to check on the status of Bort, my netbook, who continues to be ill) we arrived back home to unload. Mom and Dad headed out, I headed in for Come Dine With Me and all was good in the world again.
Next post: more catch up!
Cheers, Vick.
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