I kid you not; they know us by face there and are not suprised to see us!
This morning - Day XXXII - I called my good friend Chis to wish him a happy birthday. Of course I got his machine and left him a Price is Right-esque message, which of course he enjoyed! He called back and we had a great chat. He tells me that he enjoys the blog - I'm hoping that the rest of you readers do as well!
At about 10.30 am inspiration struck. I'm going to a potluck tomorrow and I decided, what the heck, I'm going to make quiche.
From scratch.
No premade mix. No premade crust, either. Inspired by desktop_gourmet and her cooking adventures, I figured I should give it a shot. Here are the results!
I made tarte flambee once in teacher's college and I found making the dough ever so stressful. It actually wasn't that bad this time around, although I managed to get flour all over the counter. Such is life!
Just as I was about to start rolling out the dough I discovered that I had no rolling pin! And neither did H. So we just improvised with a bottle of water. Seriously!
But it didn't go too bad, although I think next time I should make some more dough! It barely made it in around the pie tin!
I found that there was quite a mix to make for quiche Lorraine (I did live in Strasbourg, part of Alsace, which is twinned with Lorraine - did you think I was going to make Florentine???)
Of course, I had to cut the onions my way...
It looked very soupy going into the oven. And it took practically FOREVER to cook.
However we have results!
I don't think it looks too bad! I look forward to trying it tomorrow!
Just as I'm typing this, I'm watching Le Moment de Verite. One of the challenges that just went was to memorize 150 street names and origin from the city of Montreal. Usually they will post a countdown to see how much of the challenge they've got done. I was so intensely watching the show that when the host, Patrice L'Ecuyer shouted "C'est reussi!" ("You did it!") I practically jumped off the sofa.
Speaking of which, I made a cameo appearance in the audience during Who wants to be a millionaire on day XXXI and I will again today on day XXXII. Plus on Sunday - day XXXIV - please tune into Le Banquier on TVA at 7pm EST to see me in the audience of that show! I'll get some screengrabs up early next week.
And before we go, here's a picture of me at the bird aviary in Niagara Falls! You really can get close to those birdies!
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