Day XXXIX was a hit the ground running day. I got a ride from H to the GO train station, and was met by Jo and Deb, two of my GO train groupies! I was flattered to have a welcoming committee! We had a fun train ride but the question is where was Sheila? This is the question that we were all asking!
The VIA train ride to Cornwall was PACKED. Sold out to be precise. So it was quite busy, but I had a nice ride nevertheless. Turned out that there was two graduates for my old high school that I was travelling to. Got to the train station, grabbed a taxi and chilled at the hotel (with its indoor pool, jacuzzi and entire conference of the Ladies of Isabella!).
The rents got in about 4.30 pm and we ordered a pizza shortly thereafter... and it took forever. They didn't bring us plates so we resorted to tissues from the hotel bathroom... and used it as a kitchen counter (read: place to put the pizza box). Here's pops being resourceful.
We got to the R-O grad around 6.30 pm for a 7 pm start. My old school is a K-12 school, so is my current school that I teach at. So it works out pretty well.
There were forty graduates, of which twenty were Ontario Scholars! That's an average of 80% on your best six grade twelve courses. This is quite incredible for a small school. I was there to present the Theatre Arts award that I sponsor. I give a small bursary each year at grad, this is the third year that I have sponsored it and the first one that I was able to be present for. Even more exciting for me was seeing the new stage, plus lights and a great sound system that the school has been fundraising for years to install. Well done, R-O!
It was also great to catch up with some former educators of mine. Mme. Martin was a french teacher of mine and also coached me on all of my public speaking contests in high school (I actually won in grade 12 but couldn't go to the provincials because of some family commitments). She now works at the board office as a FSL/ESL coordinator.
One of the other meet ups that I got to do was with my former neighbour. She is now enrolled on a hockey scholarship at Princeton! She's a smart cookie, no doubt about it. It was really neat as my dad got to present her with her diploma.
And finally a new meet up! I had been emailing the guidance counsellor at R-O for the last few years because of my sponsoring of the award, and I finally got to meet her! She's hysterically funny and was very happy to answer all of my questions.
And here endeth my experience at the 2009 R-O grad. I had such a wonderful experience, and I hope to go back again for 2010!
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