Getting used to getting back on Canadian soil took some getting used to. I did though take some time on Day 104 to hop over to the library and start planning my next journey!
There was also a stop to my favourite dollar store so that I could get some blu tac to post some more things up on the wall. I decided to take stock of my game show memorabilia.
Countdown, whether you win or lose, gives you really neat parting gifts. As you can see, I got a mug, a clock, a pen (all with the
Countdown logo), Suzie Dent's new origin of words book, a copy of the dictionary that is used on the show, as well as an awesome tote bag for it all. I'm told this is the new model, and let's be honest, it looks
faaaaaaaaaaabulous. I figure that's about a good $100 worth of swag,
so JL, it's time for you to update my status on the GS winners' list :)I'm pretty sure I mentioned this before, but I was graciously given a
Deal or No Deal cue card as seen on the show, as well as an autographed picture of Noel Edmonds, the host.
Completing my game show stash from this trip: my name tag from Countdown, my two audience passes from Deal or No Deal, a drink chip and my ticket from Wer Wird Millionar, an autograph from Julien Lepers of Questions Pour Un Champion, and you can see the corner of a yellow card to the left of the autograph - that's a question card that I got from Questions.
You have to understand at home I have one wall that is all game show souvenirs; I've been very lucky in that respect. Having been to see game shows in five different countries now I've got quite a bit!
Day 105 was just another vegging day. I decided to kick it old school and watch some GSN. My GSN time is at 9, 10.30 and 14.00 hours on weekdays... the only appointment tv for me at this time. Plus catching up on Le Moment de Verite. As you can see... another cameo appearance!!

Day 106 was shopping expedition day. That's pretty much where we stand! Helga and I hit Costco (around noon - you get the free samples that way), and then the Superstore. Helga and Hans have been very generous offering rides when they have been going out, otherwise I walk which is perfectly fine as well!
Pina swung by about 2 pm and we went out to get some errands done for the classes that I was helping with the next day. I hadn't seen her since I had gotten back and it was great to catch up!
Day 107 turned into an adventure, to say the least. I got up early and decided to make Toblerone Cheesecake. Let's sum it up, shall we?
Step One. Realize you don't really have cake pans but you want to share it with everyone. Find pie plates, and don't follow the recipe (ie. double the quantities) thus making not the best cookie base ever.
Step Two. Realize that there's a lot of sticky stuff and you don't have a mixer and actually need two separate bowls.
Step Three. Somehow, without the use of a hand mixer, manage to mush it up and dole it out onto the base.
Step Four. Realize that you don't have enough toblerone left, and then the icing becomes glaze, at best.
I decided I should quit while I was ahead and headed over to work. Pina and I had decided that we were going to play Card Sharks with the kids. Now I had bought oversize cards to use in the UK and mailed them back; how was I supposed to know that postage mail would take close to 2 months to get here? So we improvised: we actually hooked up Bort to the LCD projector and held up the cards to the webcam which surprisingly worked well. I even made a poem, a la Jim Perry's version.
On voit un carte
soit un huit ou un valet
Si on choisit bon
Les bonbons c'est notre paye
Onnnnnnnnnnnn Card Sharks!
Where's my free tshirt then?
The kids were really good at it - we had fun finding out the reasoning to the kids' answers. And we played the bonus round for candies; the first class won 46 bonbons to split, the second only one 5! We asked the kids how they would split it up - one kid snuck up to grab one, and then a second kid made sure his team (the winners) were covered!
It was around noon hour that day that I decided to go home to grab the cheesecake and head up to Barrie. Everyone really liked them (even though that twice people thought they were pecan pies) so really there were no complaints.
Day 108 started in Barrie but then I quickly returned to Newmarket to complete day two of Card Sharks. On this day, we even played in a Spanish class:
Call the cards
Or ask your friend Juan
Get 'em right
And win bonbons
Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn Card Sharks
See. I'm a regular Nipsey Russell.
It was nice to be at work too on this day as it was the day of the school's Christmas banquet at lunch. It was great to enjoy the nice meal with the students as well as seeing Santa show up to give some gifts out to specific students (and teachers).
I was also invited to join in the evening's drama club activities - it was improv, which was great to participate in!
Finally, Day 109 had arrived and I was super pumped... torch run day in Newmarket. Now although I still harbour some hard feelings about not being chosen to volunteer in Vancouver, I was not going to miss the torch run! I of course am a very spirited person and thus dressed up for the occasion!
I was offered a ride to the site but I was too pumped and decided to see if I had enough layers on. Which I did, thankfully. Halfway there I realized I had forgotten my horn, and as a result, I called up Hans, who was happy to drop it to me en route. At the same time while I was waiting, I passed a Subway restaurant and someone came out and yelled "Hey, you look awesome! Come in and keep warm and have a coffee on us!". I was very flattered that they liked my spirit!
I got to the event shortly after that and didn't end up running into my Ulty friends but did find the big stage...
... and was invited to come stand with three ladies - Joanna, Jennifer and Lisa (my apologies if I'm wrong - please tell me!) who all worked at the Bay and said that I was dressed for the occasion! Who am I to turn down a chance to entertain people!
We ended up being really close to the stage which was awesome. Newmarket was chosen to have a "community celebration" and thus we got an hour of "preshow" before the main event. First, not pictured, was a community band, then we got these two guys - the one on the left was the MC/dancer and the other one painted a torch bearer in 8 minutes - really impressive!
Next up was the Coca-Cola drum team... who were very impressive:
... and their equally impressive aerial artist (and the not pictured juggler/swinger)! It was all quite inspiring.
The final act was Justin Hines, who is a successful artist here in Canada and lives on the east side of the city. My parents and sister have seen him several times between him - this was my first and he was great!

And then it was time. I'll let the video speak for itself:
Truly it was powerful stuff. I was standing right near Clare's family; as you might imagine they were pretty choked up.
I borrowed Joanna to get a picture with me with a torchrunner... and then I found myself standing next to four people that were pretty much dressed up the same as me, and KC Colby from A-Channel Barrie came up to us and said "Hey guys, do you mind being in a shot for the news tonight?".
Those of you who know me... it's not my intention that this happened. IT JUST HAPPENED! So of course the bunch of us said yes.
We did a few shots - this one didn't get used, but we actually picked up KC and carried him like a torch!
And here's the shot that did get used - we were the first image on the news teaser that evening! Awesome!!!
KC and the cameraman Steve were also nice enough to pose for a picture for the blog - thanks very much guys, I appreciate it! I hope we made a good shot for you!

Afterwards I did end up getting a picture with a torchrunner! It was pretty awesome to hold it. Apparently they are allowed to purchase them for a nominal fee - I know I would have!

And after all that... I got to go to my work staff party. It was great catching up with tons of coworkers and great friends - I feel very lucky to work at such an awesome school. Also back for a visit was my good friend Sarah - she is one of the people I have known the longest at school. She is now working for a different school where, as she puts it, "is" the art department! I am extremely pleased for her.

Faithful blog reader Caleb and his brother Gareth were also at the get-together. Watch out Ohio, in May, I'm coming to get you...

And that's about enough for now, don't you think? How is it though that I'm still a week behind???
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