So the first day back, day 99, I could tell I had jetlag. I woke up bright and early! At 3 am. Grrr. It’s amazing though the lack of things that you can do at that time. I guess I could have watched the western feed of Craig Ferguson, upon retrospect. In any case it was a low key day, although I adjusted to the first day with a lack of a vehicle at my beck and call, so it was time for a powerwalk. I walked about 30 minutes to the east to get my hair cut.
Those of you who saw my hair in the later pictures (ie. the pictures in Limoges, the one of me surfing) know that it was a long time coming. I suddenly feel free, and feel like I’ve dropped two or three pounds (not including the 5-10 that I actually did drop in schlepping around everything in Europe). I then headed over to work to see everyone. It was fun getting to see them… just catching up on stories with a few close friends (and some students who gave me huge hugs!!)
Day 100 – woo! Filled with excitement! First stop, a 3.30 am wake up! Making progress, obviously – these first few days I could only make it to about 9.30 pm mind you and then I stopped fighting the urge to sleep. And what does at 5 am in the morning? One hangs up one’s dive gear from its long trip, OBVIOUSLY. It was pretty much a low key day (and this also teaches me not to slag in my blogging) but I did get in some walking to go pick up a couple of things at the dollar store. I find that I have to at least get out once in the day or I go pretty crazy. It does take some getting used to bundling up, however.
That evening marked my first time watching Countdown with someone. Hans and Helga figured out the result pretty quickly… but it didn’t really matter. In fact the 988 numbers game solution chart that Rachel wrote out is now up on my wall at home as a keepsake.
I had been invited up for breakfast on Day 101, and I said if I woke up early enough, I would go. Which, sadly (?) I did. Up at 5.30 am, started walking at 6.30 am, got to the bus station at 7.10 with plenty of time to spare to get the 7.30 am bus up to Barrie. Then a city bus to the restaurant… two hours to get there using feet and public transport compared to 40 mins by car – what a difference! It was great getting to see everyone however, there was a group of about 8 of us, just chatting over pancakes.
Got the bus back home at 11 am, then got back to the house, packed a bag and headed down to Toronto. I got 2 tickets to see Air Farce New Year’s Eve being pretaped – apparently they went like hotcakes.
The taping went well (best sketch by far was the Slap Chop parody) and Luba Goy suggested that my friend and I would make a cute couple! Me and Gweezy are just friends, folks. We did manage to get a picture with the stage manager who has one of the driest senses of humour that I’ve ever heard.
Also got a chance to chat for a minute with Bill Brioux, tv writer and owner of www. which is an excellent read for Canadian TV viewers such as myself.
As it was getting late, I headed over to catch a go train, which became a go bus, which became a go figure when the conductor really wasn’t being helpful at all. Sorry you have to work a Friday shift but you know what you signed up for!
Day 102 arrived and after staying the night at Kelly’s in Mississauga (and picking up the last seven episodes of Amazing Race and a few more of Le Moment de Vérité that she taped for me) we headed out for some Christmas shopping. She got her hair done, we had a nice Mexican lunch, and I bought TOILET PAPER. Yes folks, it can’t be all glamorous shopping in the Christmas markets of northern Germany. Sometimes you just have to take care of the essentials.
Once I left Kelly’s it was the fun of 3 hours of public transport (for essentially only 2 go transports!) and then back to the house to pound down a couple of TAR episodes and a relaxing dinner.
Day 103 was a nice Sunday. So what did I do? I watched TV. Quel surprise. And I finally finished TAR – and was quite surprised that I managed not to spoil the ending for myself, which was one of the closer finals in recent memory. After that marathon I decided to go for a walk, and headed over to the library. Had to start researching for the South Pacific! I ended up checking out 5 Lonely Planet books – as a contributor to LP (seriously, I have a story in one of their books) I really enjoy what they have to offer. The lady at the checkout desk was surprised… I told her it was time to get away from the snow again!!!
And now I’m only a few days behind – but there’s some awesome stuff to come, don’t you worry!
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