I had a great time that day hanging out with Mr. McCuaig and Miss Andrews!
Day 265 and it was my good friend's birthday, so I jumped into Gunther and headed up north. Got a really nice relaxing dive, which was great. And got to spend the evening at his cottage.
Day 266 and it was some more diving to do. We did a small wreck off the beach, very relaxing although slightly colder than I of course would have liked! We did a second dive scavenging for golf balls and the like (some people love to drive them off their docks, appparently).
The nice thing that tied the latter part of Day 266, Day 267 and Day 268 was that they all just felt right. I pretty much just camped out at home, didn't really go anywhere. I've loved the travelling this year but sometimes it's just good to chill out at home and putter.
Day 269 and after the holiday weekend it was time to get going again. Lots of paperwork was to be caught up on, and then it was in the pool in the evening for training a new candidate for Divemaster. Good times, the pool is my happy place!!!
Day 270 and as it was a Wednesday and I was up north it was time to run around and get some things done, and then in the drink again for training dives. I got to dive with one of my friends as well as he's leaving for a new job. Nice, and relaxing. That seems to be the theme... which then carried into Day 271.
Day 272 was craziness on a plate. As I had worked for Reach for the Provincial tournament, it was time for the National tournament! I checked in at the corner of Dundas and Chestnut just before noon to start my shift at the check in desk.
It was great getting to meet all the teams. We had two representatives from each of BC, Alberta, Manitoba, Ontario and New Brunswick, plus one each from Quebec and Nova Scotia. For alot of the teams and their players, it was their first time in Toronto, so they went out exploring at the Royal Ontario Museum, the Toronto Zoo, the Ontario Science Centre (to see the Harry Potter exhibit) and some took in the Jays game as well.
On Day 273 we were down to business. Everyone headed up to Royal St. George's to start the round robin game! (thanks alot for that, Tino Monte). Each team had to play every other team - so 11 games were to be done. As Ravi was away, I was given the position of co-judge which I happily took to! Less challenges than at provincials but still important nevertheless. Again with the cartesian planes...

As we totalled up the scores, it was very exicting as we had teams that were looking very strong, and as a result we had Kennebecasis (NB), Cobequid (NS), St. Paul's (MB) and Gloucester (ON) sew up the first round byes, with everyone else slotted in behind them. Unlike the Ontario provincials, everyone did move on to the second day of competition (little easier to do that with 12 teams than with 40!)
On Day 274 we moved from the classrooms to the GORGEOUS chapel for the national playoffs. Everyone had a good time... including yours truly, who got to host two games - what a thrill! Here's footage of my first five minutes in the round of 12:
It was a bit nervewracking but exciting nevertheless! And look, Assumption is singing again :)
At the end of the day, we were down to four teams - the same ones that had gotten their byes. Not without some close competition however!
I got back to residence and started writing. I had been told that there was a possibility of writing some last minute pop culture questions for the games the next day, so that's what I did.
And that is why, on Day 276, I found myself at 6.20 am in the morning, at the FedEx Kinko's copy shop on University Ave. Printing out my questions.
Arriving at Royal St. George's and it was time for the first semi final game. Kennebecasis was playing Gloucester. It was a close game, but for the third time in four years, KVHS was going to play for their first national championship.
Then the second game came up. Guess whose questions got used? Yeppers! My four question category entitled Really Current Pop Culture involved answers including the winner of Eurovision (happened two days before), Betty White (happened two weeks before), the break up of Speidi (happened four days before) and the series finale of Law And Order (happened one week before) were all answered correctly much to my delight!
I actually had a fifth question that came into play, that was somewhat of a nod to our wonderful players. Assumption was on their Total Eclipse of the Heart swing and as such, given that it went viral, with the original year and artist, we posed the question of who was the artist - and no one got it! Ah well, everyone still enjoyed it.
And as if that wasn't enough, something happened about a week before. Here's Richard, via email:
Richard: Hey Ryan, I'm bringing in my Olympic torch as a visual prop for one of the games. Will you be its custodian?
Ryan: Ah... YES.
Then three days before:
Richard: Hey Ryan, do you mind holding the torch during the game?
Then the day before:
Richard: Hey Ryan, why don't you run the torch in?
Ryan : speechless, crickets chirp
Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-V8htc0fc4
That, right there, had to be one of the biggest thrills of my life. While not an "official" run, I'll take it! I was so scared that I would drop it!
Following the game, where Cobequid defeated St. Paul's in another close game, I was officially "keeper of the torch", and quite alot of the kids got a picture with it. Here's just some samples!
I took some time to grab some other pictures too...
This is with the kids from Assumption (of Burlington)
And all of a sudden, it was time for the national championships, which, for the first time in quite a number of years, was without a team from Ontario - the prize was heading East. It was an extremely close game all the way throughout, although just before the speed round, Cobequid was up by 40 points.
At this point I became the self-appointed contestant coordinator. I went up to KVHS and Cobequid and just shot the breeze with them, helped them relaxed. Here's the thing: when I was younger I always wanted to be the host, and yes, I still do. But if I could get a contestant coordinator job I'd do that, for sure. Having done that for three years at OUPIR and now a few times this year at Reach, I really enjoyed it.
Which brings us to the end of the tourney - KVHS stormed back to win the game in a very exciting speed round. They were quite thrilled as you might imagine! This marked the first NB win since Fredericton in 95. I also got to conduct the "postgame interview" with KVHS and the kids were speechless.
Once everyone had packed up, we headed over to Hard Rock Cafe for the gala luncheon/award ceremony. I got to run the raffle, which I did with my usual vim and vigour :)
What a great weekend - hanging out with so many cool young people, as well as some great coaches (specifically the ladies from Dawson!) and the AWESOME reach staff. I look forward to doing this more and more as they years go on!
As it was around 4.30 pm, I decided to go hop the first go train home. And who should be there but the GO gang! Awesome. Sharon even gave me a ride home, what a sweetie!
Now heading into the home stretch of the world tour - June - but plenty more to be done!
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