My day started, of course, by meeting up with the GO gang on the way down to catch my bus. Always a great time with that crowd.
It turned out to be a very good thing that I took that train; the bus was packed on the way to Buffalo. So much so that they had to turn away some customers! I quite enjoyed the ride, and had a wonderful chat with my seat mate who was from the Ukraine.
Now this was the second time that I was crossing the border by bus. The first time was in 2003 on the way to see The Price is Right - at 2.30 am in the morning. This occasion went a bit smoother, although they really do question you alot!
A short stopover in Buffalo followed by another express bus to Cleveland later, I arrived around 5 pm with Caleb waiting in the station to pick me up. We had a nice dinner out on a strip of restaurants downtown and walked the theatre district (for lack of a better term).
Following dinner we travelled to John Carroll University where Caleb works as a volleyball coach. It's a really nice small campus.
First, the great gym space:
The sun was just setting as we got there and thus the light reflecting on the steeple was just perfect.
It was an early start on Day 245. Caleb's girlfriend Megan was playing her last regular season game of her college softball career, so we were out of the city by 7 am. First stop with Megan's dad driving was to get gas, and to find out what was McGoin' on. Obviously.
We arrived at the town where the game was going to be played and settled behind the centre field fence. It was great and a wonderful setting. Unfortunately Megan's team lost both games, but this is what happens sometimes.
On the way home we stopped in New Philidelphia, OH for lunch, and boy was it filling! Sadly radio's Don Howard was not in town.

Caleb and I popped over to Liberty, uh... Legacy Village when we got home. It's a bit of an upscale shopping complex so some things are a bit pricier but it's still fun to at least window shop. Dick's Sporting Goods was stop number one where Caleb tried on a PFD for some odd reason.
We also popped into the Apple Store... where I got to tryout an iPad before it got released in Canada! Here's me holding an iPad with a picture of me :)

We were out for awhile but then we took it easy that night, and due to the late lunch I don't think we went out for pizza until about midnight.
Day 246 and we went on an expedition. For nothing in particular, but still it was a good one. We did end up at Taco Bell... man that place has an interesting selection of food.
Caleb and I popped over to Liberty, uh... Legacy Village when we got home. It's a bit of an upscale shopping complex so some things are a bit pricier but it's still fun to at least window shop. Dick's Sporting Goods was stop number one where Caleb tried on a PFD for some odd reason.
We were out for awhile but then we took it easy that night, and due to the late lunch I don't think we went out for pizza until about midnight.
Day 246 and we went on an expedition. For nothing in particular, but still it was a good one. We did end up at Taco Bell... man that place has an interesting selection of food.
In the evening it was baseball part II. Megan and Caleb were playing on a slo-pitch team with its intramural game that night. They didn't luck out with a win, but the excitement was over on the other ball diamond where one guy was going postal when a call didn't go his way. These things do happen...
Day 247 and Caleb headed out to work on some papers for his upcoming end of semester and I hooked up with Wickliffe's own Mike Klauss. We went out for lunch and caught up on all things teaching and game shows. Plus, I got to meet BANOODLES!
Banoodles is Mike's cat but the trick is knowing that's the nickname for the monkey that appears in the 50 cent case on Aussie Deal or No Deal.
Following the visit with Mike, Caleb and I headed back downtown to grab some last minute souvenirs, and then dinner. Which came in the form of KFC's new Double Down sandwich. Where the chicken is the bun:
Then it was off to Jacobs field to see the Indians play the Blue Jays!
We actually got to the ballpark around 5.30 and you couldn't get in yet, so we went and enjoyed fan fest that was set up next to the ballpark, sandwiched in beside where the Cavs were playing in the second round of the playoffs.
Then it was off to Jacobs field to see the Indians play the Blue Jays!
We started our visit at Jacobs field in the back of the complex, visiting the historical plaques, follwed by trying to catch balls at batting practice.
Jacobs field was very impressive. Very fan friendly I found, and a great atmosphere.

The picture above was actually the view from our seats. We payed $25 and sat eight row back! NICE. And to boot, we ended up sitting to two Canucks from Victoria, and there was a couple from Hamilton two rows back. Plus the fun family behind us kept us entertained throughout the whole night.
PLUS! The jays picture actually brought a perfect game into the seventh, but sadly didn't keep it. Still though, great game, Jays won 5-1.
I did of course grab a minute with the Indians' mascot. Why not?
And they have this bizarro hot dog running contest. Not really sure what was going on, to be honest.
PLUS! The jays picture actually brought a perfect game into the seventh, but sadly didn't keep it. Still though, great game, Jays won 5-1.
It was early start to Day 248 as my bus left around 8 am. With all the delays (including hold ups with several people at the border) I didn't get home until 8 pm. Makes for a long day!!!
While Day 249 had original plan it got scrapped so I went for a dive instead. No complaints!
Day 250 and I headed up to North Bay to see the folks. It was time to start car shopping! First stop was the VW dealership to look at a 2008 Golf City. It drove well and was definitely in the lead. Basically because it was the only candidate.
Day 251 and after Dad had finished work for the day we went for Car Shopping Part II: Electric Boogaloo. Hyundai Elantra. Toyota Matrix. Ford Focus. It was all a bit of a blur! Mom, Dad and I settled on Greco's for dinner which was enjoyable and then I went and joined my friends Kate and Tracey from the Kids in the Hall shoot for a third friend's performance in Jacques Brel is Alive and Well (and living in Paris), which was quite enjoyable!
Will I get a car? Oh... only time will tell!
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